Go2Serve is passionate about our Father’s heart and desire to see every tribe and language worshipping before His Throne (Rev 7:9-10)! We mobilize and support gospel work among the Tribal/minority/indigenous groups in Asia. We encourage Christian ministry with a focus on the most unreached. We empower and equip the next generation of Asian based leaders to be raised up in the church and sent out as missionaries to extend God’s Kingdom in the world.

Why give to this project?

Go2Serve has 40 years of mission experience with Tribal/minority/indigenous groups in Asia using different Business As Mission platforms and partnerships with local Christian ministries to reach the lost.   Go2Serve.us and its mobilizing site Go2Serve.com will work to promote the Great Commission, with special emphasis on the least of these and the most unreached in Asia and around the world… until ALL have heard!

FGC # F1308

Program Countries: Asia

Website: https://go2serve.us/

Team Lead: Tim & Rosa Obendorf

Help By Giving